Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Problem Solution Claim

Tuesday, June 08, 2012, I was driving, as I often do to clear my mind and I hit a polar bear, again. That's the third freaking time this week. Dried blood now covers the grill of my car with small patches of fur caked on by the dry El Paso heat. The polar bears have already taken over most of the world, I figured hear in Texas they wouldn't dare strike, it's too hot for those heavily coated bastards, but they found a way, they found a way to make it down here. Lucky for me what's left of the competent human population lives around these parts, so the danger is relatively mitigated. However, it seems obvious that the bears are preparing for a massive assault on what's left of human territory. I've heard reports from our scouts to the north that an army of these bears are living in the mountains, and growing in numbers by the day. We need to begin preparations for defense, if we want to live the coming winter.

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